Friday, February 19, 2010

Seeing Red

It's been pretty cold out lately (at least that's what Mommy and Daddy say. I really don't mind or notice much because I have all this warm fur!) so Mommy and Daddy don't let me stay outside too long because my paws might freeze. So what is a cooped up, wound up puppy to do inside all the time? I get so antsy, and all I want to do is run and play - even in the house. Sliding across the kitchen floor has proven to be pretty fun.
But my favorite thing to do is play with my red Kong ball. I go up to Mommy or Daddy and just drop it their lap. I know they will throw it because I make sure it's slobbery....hehehe! Sometimes though I like to play tug-o-war with the ball too. I could play with my ball all day. It's so much fun to chase it around especially when it takes all those weird bounces and I don't know where it's going. I've also gotten really good at catching it right out of the air! Don't tell Daddy, but Mommy throws the ball the best.

Is it time to go outside yet?

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